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Single-Domain Antibodies, 2023, Paris


Du 18 septembre 2023 au 20 septembre 2023

The organization committee would like to inform you that in 2023 the « Nanobodies »  conference changes its name to become

the « Single-Domain Antibodies » conference.


The Single-Domain Antibodies 2023 meeting will be the 3rd congress on single-domain antibodies after Nanobodies 2019 in Bonn and Nanobodies 2021 in Brussels.

This congress dedicated will allow the scientific community to meet and share the last advances in this fast growing scientific field.

Looking forward to meeting you in Paris, September 18-20 at the Conference centre (CIS) of the Institut Pasteur.


During this 2.5-day conference the following topics will be discussed:

  • Single-domain antibodies engineering and structure
  • Single-domain antibodies in neurobiology
  • Single-domain antibodies in diagnostics and imaging
  • Tools to understand biological process
  • Single-domain antibodies in Clinics: cancer and inflammatory diseases


Programme : ICI

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Du 18 septembre 2023 au 20 septembre 2023


Complément lieu

Conference centre (CIS) of the Institut Pasteur in Paris

Publié le 18 septembre 2023

Mis à jour le 28 septembre 2023